This session will provide research-based information and recommendations for integrating well-being into your daily work life—an important topic as we continue to manage our workloads in a remote and/or hybrid environment.

·       Recognize the positive impact of taking regular breaks and working reasonable hours

·       Become aware of the benefits of fully disconnecting from work

·       Discover strategies for dealing with the isolation that can accompany ongoing virtual work

·       Learn to make specific positive changes that work well for you and your life circumstances

May 15, 2024     9:00am - 11:00am     Virtual Training

This course provides participants with effective tools to engage in both positive and constructive feedback, including the value of giving recognition and the benefits of aligning forms of recognition with individual preferences. By the end, participants will have the confidence to use these skills to positively influence team performance and create a culture of collaboration and trust in the workplace.

  • Identify key success factors for providing effective feedback
  • Learn or review the Situation-Behavior-Impact+Recommendation (SBI+R) model for providing feedback
  • Prepare for an actual feedback conversation they would like to have
Identify strategies for providing meaningful, high-impact recognition

June 12, 2024      Virtual Training   9:00am - 11:00am

This short video provides a walk-thru of the all-new CTP Wellness SharePoint site.

The attached Job Aid will walk users through the eSF-182 submission process with step-by-step instructions and accompanying screenshots.